Antique Vehicles are a whole different ball game. Can't rely on a machine to print the window patterns out. Thankfully we always take the time to custom cut every window, chasing that extra level of precision.

1988 Dually Project Blacked Out with Edge Carbon 5 all around. What a Beast!!

Light Edge Carbon 35 addition to this 2023 Camaro Conv.

Edge Carbon 5 gave this 10 year old boat a nice makeup!

2023 AUDI S5 with Edge Carbon All Around

2018 BWM M5 avec Edge Carbon 20. What a beauty!!!

Notre teinte de 20% VLT complémente à merveille les voitures luxueuses sans être trop foncé. La parfaite clarté qui permet quand-même de percevoir les détails et couleurs exquis du design intérieur.

Best part of my job: sitting back and admiring the little piece of custom art we just made, especially on a Gem like this 2023 Audi S3. Thanks for trusting us with your New Ride!!! Edge Carbon 5 on rear and Carbon 35 upfront



Beautiful 2019 Civic Type R Blacked out Rear Section and Banner with Edge Carbon 5 and Carbon 35 on Front

This was Fun!!! 2023 JEEP WILLYS with 35% Edge Carbon Upfront

Thanks to Liquid Diamond Floors Inc For Trusting us with Their Ford F250. Check them and their amazing work out on Facebook! Edge Carbon 35 upfront

High-volume shops never take the time to cover your precious belongings for protection. We do! Quality over quantity…Always!

2005 PT Cruiser in mint shape looking crisp with EDGE Carbon Crystalline 35% on both fronts and rear quarters.

Custom Cut with Micro Edge for a factory look finish

Les 2 chambres de ce magnifique apartement sont sous le gros soleil à la journée longue et laissait entrer un immense quantité de chaleur en été et s’échapper cette chaleur intérieure en hiver.

The sun aims at both rooms of this beautiful apartment all day long creating much unwanted heat in the summer and letting that precious heat escape during winter time.



Les propriétaires ont décidé d’opter pour EDGE Ultraview Dual Reflective 25% pour maximiser le taux de rendement énergétique. Ce film rejette 60% de la chaleur du soleil, retient une vision parfaite et leur donne intimité en bonus.



The owners wisely chose EDGE Ultraview Dual Reflective 25% to maximize energy efficiency with 60% TSER(Total Solar Energy Rejected) but still maintain a perfect view and also give them added privacy.



Office window being tinted will not only help with Solar and UV rejection but will also help prevent unwanted glare in the computer screens

Teinter la vitre de l’office aide non seulement a gérer la chaleur ambiante et protéger des rayons UV, mais donnera aussi une protection anti-reflets qui aidera avec la vision des moniteurs de son office.



And the Entrance door to top it off, giving added privacy when answering the door…..or not!!

Et la porte d’entrée pour terminer, donnant une certaine intimité quand viens le temps de répondre à la porte…..ou de la laisser barrée!!


2020 KIA Sportage with EDGE Carbon Crystalline 20% on the front and 5% in the back

KIA Sportage 2020 avec EDGE Carbon Crystalline 20% en avant et 5% derrière

2011 Suzuki SX4 with Edge Carbon 5 on rear and Carbon 35 upfront